营销人员花费大量时间drafting poignant email copy,设计精美的品牌email templates,,,,and crafting简洁而诱人的电子邮件主题行that get open and click-through rates skyrocketing.

But before hitting send, have you considered whether your subscribers will even get the opportunity to read your email?

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No matter how legitimate of an email marketer you are, there are a host of things you may not even know about that can prevent your email from ever reaching someone's inbox. With more stringent laws and increasingly sophisticated spam filters, it's to your benefit to know everything that can affect your email's deliverability.

If steering clear of legal trouble isn't enough to convince you, squeezing more ROI out of your电子邮件营销努力当然应该。看看您绝对应该的事情绝不如果您希望成功传递消息,以及可以主动采取的措施以提高电子邮件交付速度,请在电子邮件营销中进行。

The first step in improving email deliverability will be to run a test to see if you are encountering any issues. To learn more about email deliverability test tools,click here


What You Should绝不


Yes, you can legally rent and purchase lists of people who have agreed to email communications -- but这从来都不是一个好主意。这不仅是一种肮脏的电子邮件营销策略,它违背了您的电子邮件服务提供商的服务条款,而且这些人实际上并不了解您 - 而且他们甚至可能不想要你的emails. In other words, there's a good change they'll mark you as spam. Plus, let's be honest ... high quality email addresses are never for sale.

2. Don't scrape sites for email addresses.

抓取电子邮件地址的网站似乎是建立联系列表的快速方法,但这对您的业务不利 - 更不用说在包括美国在内的许多国家 /地区,thanks to the CAN-SPAM Act


Hard bounces are the result of an invalid, closed, or non-existent email address, and these emails will never be successfully delivered. Bounce rates are one of the key factors internet service providers (ISPs) use to determine an email sender's reputation, so having too many hard bounces can cause them tostop allowing your emails in folks' inboxes.

(电子邮件交付性广泛涵盖集线器's free email marketing certification course,因此请检查一下以了解更多信息。)

4. Don't use all caps anywhere in your email or its subject line.

做n't yell at people. It's not nice. Using all caps in your subject line might get the recipients' attention, but probably not in a good way. Using all caps can really rub people the wrong way. It's annoying and can seem spammy.


与其使用诸如所有帽子之类的破坏性策略来引起人们的注意,不如尝试个性化您的电子邮件,建立相关性并使用吸引人而令人愉悦的语言。((Read this blog post on how to write compelling emails有关更多提示。)

5. Don't use exclamation points!!!!!

Another thing that can make your subject line and/or email look unprofessional and spammy? Exclamation points -- especially a whole bunch of them in a row. And when69%的电子邮件收件人report email as spam based solely on the subject line,you'll want to stay away from triggers like this as much as you can.

plus, when you ask punctuation to do a word's job, it can really dilute your message. The next time you're tempted to use an exclamation point in an email (or anywhere, really),use this flowchart, "Should I Use an Exclamation Point?",作为肠检查。


By default, most email clients don't allow the ability to view rich media like Flash or video embeds. Instead, use an image of your video player (with a play button) that links to the rich media on a website page.

至于JavaScript和其他动态脚本,即使垃圾邮件过滤器允许您通过电子邮件,大多数电子邮件客户端也无法允许这些脚本运行 - 因此,请避免使用它们。


由于安全风险,在通用电子邮件客户端的电子邮件中不支持表格。相反,放置a call-to-action button或链接带有表格的着陆页在您的电子邮件正文中。



If you want to send your recipients something like a PDF or a Word document, don't attach the file to the email -- otherwise your email could get blocked by spam filters. Instead, upload the attachment to your website and link to the file location in your email usingan effective call-to-action button。This'll minimize the chance of being blocked by spam filtersand减少电子邮件的负载时间。


9. Don't use spam trigger words.

One of easiest ways to avoid spam filters is by carefully choosing the words you use in your email's subject line. A good rule of thumb is this: If it sounds like something a used car salesman would say, it's probably a spam trigger word. Think "free," "guarantee," no obligation," and so on. (For more,查看此通用垃圾邮件触发单词的列表。)

在stead of using these trigger words, be creative, interesting, and informative -- without giving too much away. Somebetter ideas for subject linesinclude:

  • “嗨[名字],[问题]?”
  • "Did you get what you were looking for?"
  • “你并不孤单。”
  • “感觉蓝色?喜欢小狗吗?”

10. Don't use a red font when drafting your emails.

Same goes for using invisible text, i.e. a white font on top of a white background. These are common tricks that spammers use, so it's an instant red flag for spam filters.

实际上,人们不喜欢营销人员在电子邮件中使用不规则字体,字体尺寸和字体颜色。在that same study by the Radicati Group,,,,out of the top 10 objectionable email trends, four revolve around fonts. Over 60% of respondents considered it unacceptable for email marketers to use different font sizes, irregular fonts, and different font colors将近70%的受访者喜欢字体为一种尺寸。

11. Don't forget to use spell check.

根据这项Radicati小组的研究,所有受访者中有80%发现拼写和语法错误是最不可接受的电子邮件犯罪。但是拼写错误不仅是不专业的 - 实际上它们也是垃圾邮件触发器。

小拼写错误很容易通过 - 尤其是当您自我编辑时。Read this post to learn the most common spelling and grammar mistakesso you never make them again.


关键字填充电子邮件意味着将尽可能多的关键字推入电子邮件中。Google将塞满关键字的网页的排名较低是有原因的 - 这是因为它对用户体验有害。没有人愿意阅读针对机器人优化的内容。


I love the example below fromTurnstyle Cycle((fromour roundup of 12 great email marketing examples)。The copy is beautiful in its simplicity. It's friendly, yet sincere -- especially with the following lines:

  • “我们知道你很忙,不愿看到你错过”
  • “请告诉我们,如果我们可以以任何可能的方式提供帮助”
  • “随时给我们打电话 - 我们想帮助:)”

另外,他们为我提供了我需要知道的确切细节 - 提醒我我注册的内容以及何时到期日期以及电话号码可以到达它们。一探究竟:


13. Don't use an overwhelming number of images, or huge images.

Using one large image as your entire email, or too many images in general, tends to end up in recipients' spam folders.


更不用说,Microsoft Outlook无法识别背景图像,因此您可能需要避免使用这些图像并使用背景颜色。

What You应该


Even if your list is entirely built on valid opt-ins, you are at risk of being branded a "spammer" if you don’t练习正确的电子邮件卫生。为什么?因为互联网服务提供商(ISP)基本投诉利率积极的subscribers, not total subscribers.


过期的电子邮件地址也可以变成未知用户(弹跳)。如果您遇到未知帐户at a rate higher that 5%,,,,then ISPs are going to see you as someone who has really bad email hygiene. The result? They'll make it harder for your emails to reach people's inboxes, and your overall sender reputation will definitely drop -- leading to even more trouble reaching people's inboxes.

通过保持你的电子邮件列表当前的和干净的,你'll decrease the likelihood people will flag your emails as spam. You can identify inactive subscribers and expired email addresses with metrics such as opens, clicks, or website activity.

15. See if you can reengage inactive or infrequently active subscribers.

"Graymail" refers to email people technically opted in to receive, but don'treally想要,导致他们变得不那么活跃或完全不活跃。尽管它不被视为垃圾邮件,但发送Graymail是有问题的,因为它可能会损害您整体电子邮件的可交付性。通过低参与率,ISP和收件箱提供商可能会直接向收件人的“垃圾”文件夹发送电子邮件 - 因此,该电子邮件从技术上发送(甚至可以交付),但不一定是,这是不一定是,但不一定是看到。

Keep track of your inactive and infrequently active subscribers, anddevelop re-engagement campaigns对于已经停止接触您的消息的联系人。例如,您可以设置条件,例如自上次表单提交,网站访问或电子邮件点击以来的时间长度,自从联系您最后一次与您接触以来已经有一段时间时触发了电子邮件。

在你的workflow, you might try sending them an exclusive offer or coupon to get them excited about your company again. Or, you might ask them for feedback by sending out a quick survey to see what they would like to see in your emails. (阅读此博客文章以获取更多想法启动有效的电子邮件重新参与活动。)


做uble opt-in means that after someone subscribes to your email list, you send them a follow-up email with a confirmation link ensuring they actually want to receive email communications from you.

Users that have to confirm that they want email communications from your company are the ones that will fully read and engage with the emails they receive from your business. When you use double opt-in, your email lists will be much more qualified and your subscribers much more engaged. (HubSpot customers: Learn how to set up double opt-in in HubSpothere。)


垃圾邮件过滤器比以往任何时候都更具侵略性 - 以至于有时候,人们的电子邮件是人们重视并想阅读的电子邮件stillend up in their spam boxes.

But most spam filters allow you to whitelist a sender by adding their email address to their email's address book. When subscribers add you to their address book, spam filters will back off.


让人们退订对于清单卫生很重要,因为任何收到您的电子邮件的人都应该to receive them -- otherwise, you're just spamming them. But did you know that it'sillegalto not have a way for your recipients to easily unsubscribe in many countries, including the United States?

在你的marketing emails, you must include a way for folks to unsubscribe from your email list, either by simply sending a reply email or by clicking no more than one level deep to reach a page from which they can unsubscribe. Which method you choose is entirely up to you, as long as the information is clear and easy to locate.

这些取消订阅CTA的最常见位置是您的电子邮件的页脚,因此用户倾向于在那里寻找它 - 这使得可以更好地体验用户体验。这是HubSpot的一封电子邮件中的一个示例:



19. Honor your unsubscribes and remove them from your mailing list.


This is where电子邮件营销softwarethat integrates seamlessly with your CRM comes in handy -- because any unsubscribes are immediately processed and recorded in both the contact record and within the email software. (But if you're removing unsubscribed addresses from your list manually, make it a top priority to process that request.)


Because people are so inundated with SPAM, they hesitate to open email from unfamiliar senders. Make sure recipients can recognize you in your sender by using your brand name.

Better yet, send the email from a real person. Recipients are typically more likely to trust a personalized sender name and email address than a generic one. At HubSpot我们发现that emails sent from "Maggie Georgieva, HubSpot" perform better in terms of openand点击率比仅从“ HubSpot”发送的电子邮件。(HubSpot客户:学习如何个性化“来自”名称和电子邮件地址here。)

21.在“ TO:”字段中包括收件人的名字。

This way, spam filters know that you do, indeed, know your recipient. Plus,个性化您的电子邮件在您的联系人周围也可能对他们参与您的内容至关重要。


plain text emails are simply emails void of any formatting, while HTML (HyperText Markup Language) emails use formatting that let you设计更多美丽的电子邮件具有吸引人的视觉组件。通过提供两个纯文本andHTML version of a single email, you're not only indicating your legitimacy to ISPs, but you're also making your emails more reader-friendly.


Also, make sure the HTML version is properly coded: If there are broken tags in your HTML, the email provider and users might mark it as spam.


Even after every step is taken to assure proper email design, an email client canstill显示电子邮件很差。在每封电子邮件中包括一个链接,将电子邮件视为网页。(HubSpot客户:学习如何在HubSpot中轻松执行此操作here。)



许多电子邮件客户端阻止图像默认情况下。这意味着,当某人打开您的电子邮件时,除非他们单击按钮显示或更改默认设置,否则不会加载图像。将Alt文本添加到您的图像helps recipients understand your message even if they can't see the images.

This is especially bad if you use an image as a call-to-action. Without alt text, a "turned off" image will look like this:

When you add alt text to the image, recipients will still know where to click to complete the action:


You can either edit the alt text in your email tool's rich text editor (just right-click the image and edit away), or you can manually enter it in the HTML editor of your email tool like this:

25. Keep your emails short and sweet.

太多的副本是另一个垃圾邮件过滤器的危险信号。Not only that, but people generally like concise emails better. Everyone's busy and their inbox is already full, so why make things worse?

One of the best ways to keep things short and sweet is to write like a human. Writing your email like you were talking to someone in real life makes it feel much more approachable and relevant. (Read this blog post on how to write compelling emails有关更多提示。)



这些天来,电子邮件营销人员在创建电子邮件时必须考虑很多电子邮件客户。最重要的是,我们也必须考虑移动用户 - 毕竟53% of people在其移动设备上阅读电子邮件。

It turns out这些客户中的每一个都以不同的方式显示电子邮件。虽然测试您的电子邮件可能很耗时allemail clients, you'll want to test them for the ones your audience uses the most. According toLITMUS对10.6亿电子邮件的研究打开,,,,the top five email clients are:

  1. Apple iPhone's Mail app(28%用户)
  2. Gmail(16%的用户
  3. Apple iPad's Mail app((11% of用户)
  4. Google Android的邮件应用程序((9% of用户)
  5. Outlook((9% of用户)

如果您的电子邮件营销工具可以让您继续前进,然后预览您的电子邮件在受众群体中受欢迎的不同电子邮件客户端和设备中的外观。(HubSpot客户:使用我们的在其他收件箱中预览feature to send a test email and see how the design of your email looks in each email client.)


27. Get an email sender accreditation from a third party.

Sender accreditation is a third-party process of verifying email senders and requiring them to follow certain usage guidelines. In return, you'll be listed in a trusted listing that ISPs reference to allow certain emails to bypass email filters.



DNSstuff.com让您检查您是否是黑名单发件人 - 许多不幸的电子邮件营销人员甚至都不知道。



如果您正在寻找更多信息,请与您公司的法律部门或受信任的律师联系,以确保您保持在法律范围内。raybet电子竞技想了解有关电子邮件传递性的更多信息吗?观看课在我们的Hubspot学院Email Marketing Certification coursetaught by HubSpot'spOST m阿斯特,汤姆·莫纳汉(Tom Monaghan)。





Every time someone visits Mail-Tester.com, they'll see a treehouse with a auto-generated email address listed on it that changes every time you visit the site. You can send your email to the address listed, then click "Check Your Score." Mail-Tester will then give you a free email deliverability score based on the email that was sent to the unique email address.

The software will analyze the text in the message,您的邮件服务器和IP确定是否存在任何可交付性问题。免费用户可以访问报告7天。您还可以订阅持续30天的无限电子邮件测试和报告。


Mailtrap is an email testing tool that allows you to run numerous email experiments in a safe testing environment. It captures your test emails and provides options for inspecting and debugging your templates. With Mailtrap, all your email tests are neatly organized in one place and can’t be sent to real subscribers by mistake.





Spamcheckis a simple and free tool that allows you to paste a plain text message into a text box and analyze it for any language that might trigger spam filtering.




Still want to learn more about email marketing after reading the tips above? Consider takingHubSpot的免费电子邮件营销认证课程,这将使您完成更多最佳实践。

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最初发布于2019年7月10日3:59:00 PM,更新于6月9日2021年6月9日


Email Deliverability 电子邮件营销工具